Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited to provide a forum to discuss topics that are so relevant to raising kids in the Instant Gratification Generation. This page will include parent tips, current events, and resources that directly relate to raising children in this generation.
As clinical psychologists, we have worked with families and educators for over twenty years. Recently, we have found ourselves marveling at the number of children and teens who become easily frustrated when asked to solve a simple social dilemma or deal with a problem on their own. In addition, parents, teachers, and coaches are all talking to us about their concerns about what they are seeing. They see children and teens who expect their problems to be solved right away. With the rapid changes in technology convenience is expected and there are fewer opportunities for children and teens to figure things out on their own. We hope that the information offered in this blog helps parents and educators navigate these unique challenges.

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